New skater Amanda explains what starting roller derby is like…
Are you wondering what it is like turning up to one of our events? Are you having a bit of a wobble of worry about those scary looking rollergirls? Fret not! We asked our...
Are you wondering what it is like turning up to one of our events? Are you having a bit of a wobble of worry about those scary looking rollergirls? Fret not! We asked our...
Last Saturday the Leicestershire Dolly Rockit Rollers got their 2017 Championship season off to a roaring start with a thrilling 116-111 win over the Nottingham Roller Girls. LDRR gained the upper hand early in...
After the success of last years ‘First Skate, Love at First Fight’ tournament, the Dolly Rockit Rollers will be repeating the event to help Rookie players get their first few games under their belts....
It’s the roller derby event that everyone is Tolkien about! Come and see the biggest Battle of Middle Earth that the Midlands has ever seen. The ring has been awakened, but with only one team...
The Dollies have an open door policy where you can come along any week and try Roller Derby for free! It’s free to try the first time you come, then it’s £5 per session....
As 2015 comes to an end, skaters from Leicestershire Dolly Rockit Rollers (LDRR) have handed over a grand total of £1500 to their charity of 2015 – Womens’ Aid Leicestershire Limited (WALL). Roller derby...
A few of our skaters went on a little road trip to Essex to play in some mixed games hosted by the Seaside Siren Roller Girls. Jadzia Traxx, Chad the Impaler, Payne in Diaz, Arrietti...
Leicestershire Dolly Rockit Rollers, are holding another intake month! No experience needed, we will also lend you roller skates and safety equipment… just rock up to Parklands Leisure Centre, Oadby at 12.30 and we’ll...
Leicestershire’s Dolly Rockit Rollers (LDRR) is proud to host, and play, in the 5th round of a national roller derby tournament on Saturday 27th June. As part of the competition for Tier 3 of...
The Dolly Rockit Rollers, Leicester’s original all female Roller Derby league, celebrate another ‘awesome’ win! The Dolly Rockit Rollers Roller Derby league, from Leicester in the UK, were thrilled to be announced as the...