Author: SlamAbama



What a difference a weekend makes. As mentioned in previous blogs and many, many excited dolly social media updates, DRR’s travel team have improved our ranking 10 places in the space of 2 games,...


Skater of the Month – April

Killmore Girls – you are our skater of the month!!! Now you are a celebrity skater, you have to give us an interview as it’s the law! O.K! Congratulations on being our skater of...


European tour diary by Holly Sheet

It was 5.15pm on Friday. I was not packed, I was stuck on the motorway, and I still had a whole load of stuff to sort out before heading off for the weekend, so...

Skater of the Month – February 2013 0

Skater of the Month – February 2013

Our Skater of the Month is… Kaztration!!! Now you are a celebrity skater, you have to give us an interview – it’s the law! Congratulations on being our skater of the month – how...

Dollies Sky Dive! 0

Dollies Sky Dive!

We are throwing five terrified, intrepid and slightly crazy Dolly Rockit skaters out of a plane at 13,000 ft in a sponsored skydive with the hopes of raising much needed funds. Where: Sibson airfield...