Dolly of the Month: Jan 2014
LIL’ CRASH – you are our Dolly of the month!!!
Now you are a celebrity, it’s obligatory that we interview you…
Congratulations on being our Dolly of the month – how do you feel about this amazing accolade?
I actually can’t believe it! I’m so happy that I’ve picked my cat up and danced.
What are you doing right now?
Currently trying to make my cat eat his food whilst turning sausage and bacon in the grill and dancing….
You are one of the founding members of DRR, what is it that drew you to roller derby in the first place?
Well I wouldn’t really say ‘founding’ but I was at the first ever practice :). I use to artistic roller skate in the famous Granby Halls, it was the only sport I tried hard in and actually got results. Then they knocked the place down! I still roller skated but only as a silly thing you do round the block and at discos! And then about 11 years later I saw an advert by CCR and really wanted to go but it was too far and I was at Uni at the time. About 1 year later I saw a similar advert on a lamppost I think for Dolly Rockits and went along. I really just wanted to roller skate but it was more than that. I had friends straight away and became way more sociable and I was doing exercise without thinking. I love Roller Skating!

Photo by Leonie DuBarry-Gurr
Sometimes it can be a little intimidating being a tiny skater, but you have no problems in attacking skaters 3 times your size – what advice can you give to other tinies out there?
Haha this question is funny! I am scared EVERY time I get on track (have you not seen the facial expressions on most of my photos?!)
If you happen to be a smaller skater then I would take every opportunity to train with tall skaters. Know that you can use your height to its advantage and hone in those squatting skills. Oh and always get low!
Who is the skater you dread meeting on track the most?
Does it have to be a dolly because if it is then I think all of you!
When you are not being a roller derby super hero what do you for really?
I currently have my dream job and don’t work in McDonald’s anymore! I am a 3D and Ceramic Technician at Leicester College.
Had you ever done sports before you took up roller derby?
Yeah I sucked at all off them. Football, swimming, cross country, snowboarding.
If you can tell someone new to derby just 3 things – what would they be?
1) Roller derby is important but so are your non-roller derby friends and family so make time for both.
2) Don’t moan at practice however challenging it may be, we learn from our sufferings and usually it turns out awesome!
3) Learn the rules and NSO at every opportunity. In fact help out do anything. Your skills are needed!
If you could pick any song you wanted just for you for your skate out what would it be?
Smash TV – Chase and Status
What is your most favourite roller derby moment so far?
Oh so many. Mainly it’s the road trips, going to Aberdeen and Brighton. They were some of the most fun times I’ve ever had in my life. Getting smashed by Brawling. That was a fun game if you wanted to question why you are alive!! Also all the best jammer awards I’ve ever won, they are great moments and I’m so thankful.
What Derby plans do you have for the future?
I really want to become stronger. I’m hoping that Crossfit will help condition my body so someone will be scared of me on track (yeh like that’s ever going to happen). I really would love to keep skating with the Dollies and would love to play with a game outside of England.
Thank you for your time and for this interview, we hope it will inspire budding Lil -Crash’s all over the country to become as awesome as YOU!
Yay for small people!